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A Plea to Save Loki – time is running out


Many around the world have been following Loki and our journey, Loki has his own FaceBook page:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Friends-of-LOKI-Sole-Survivor/188340937903082

There are also many Blog posts here as well. 

I must let you know that the town officials plan to go after him again and I fear that the outcome will see Loki as just one more dead dog amongst thousands in the North.  I raised the funds needed to purchase a dog run for him, donations came from Ontario, Quebec, Texas, Mexico, Alberta, BC and a few from here.

The plan was to dart him, have him brought here and I would work with him closely to rehab him and allow him to live out his life in safety as part of my family.  The pen was only going to be used until he would allow me to handle him.  Unfortunately the first darting attempt failed miserably, the dart failed to discharge the sedative and poor Loki was in pain for three days as the dart remained stuck in his shoulder for 3 days before falling out.  That fateful night, Anna, her daughter and I spent almost 5 hours searching the bush behind my place trying to find him.  When I finally did, I followed him for yet another hour and could not get close to him.  He was terrified.  I had to give Loki antibiotics hidden in his food for almost 3 weeks, Another friend of Loki’s helped in that, giving him his morning dose while I gave him his evening dose.

The second darting attempt saw the dart deflected missing Loki so that failed, and the third attempt,  (Wildlife Officer) could not get within range.

All of this took place during July.  The last darting arrangement was cancelled at the last minute by the Wildlife Officer and no further help has been forthcoming to help me get him here.  I have idea why.

When I contacted the Wildlife Officer, and town officials , basically saying that due to unanswered emails and calls made to the Wildlife Officer, that I and others could only conclude that Loki was going to be allowed to live out his remaining days in freedom.  Only one person to responded, Mr. Potter,  stating that this is not the case and that they want to see Loki’s issue resolved by the end of September or sooner.  In other words if I do not have him here they will take the manner in their own hands to get him off the streets and we know what that means.

Those whom I’ve spoken to who support Loki are outraged.  His Facebook followers across Canada, here, the US and on the International scene are outraged.

I was informed me that some  complaints about Loki have been made and that some people in town have implieds of shooting him themselves. 

Those that do not know him as the rest of us do, as a gentle friend, are intimidated by him, because they have not taken the time to know him and are totally ignorant of his gentle ways.

I need people who do know him to stand up and fight for him in order to save his life.  Those that have sung his praises need to contact Town Hall and attest to his gentle ways, state clearly that he is non aggressive, lives quietly and that they enjoy his company when he is with them.  In summary the target now on his back must be removed and his life must be protected.  I even submitted a small petition to Town Hall, attesting to his gentle an unassuming nature and suggested that Loki be made the Town Mascot.

As the sole surviving pup (one of the 23 seized in the Hay River Hoarding case of 2010) Loki has survived free and cared for by those of us who dearly love him.  The 22 other pups, rather than be relocated as I offered to do in emails and letters to the Town Officials in June 2010, were secretly removed from the shelter and destroyed in mid August 2010.  My offers to relocate the pups to properly equipped professionally run rehab shelters out of territory were not even acknowledged by town officials.  Those pups were murdered needlessly.  Only Loki survived because he escaped the shelter twice prior to the destruction of the puppies. (Means of destruction is a big secret but I do know that no vet was present) (reliable source information provided).

I have done everything humanly possible to insure his safety for three years.  Spending time with him in the bush in sub-zero temps, out in my own yard with him no matter the weather or temperature often up to 4 times daily during winter.  I raised the funds needed for the dog run, medications, sedatives, equiptment, bug protection netting for the dog run, collars, harness, leads, pet bed and blankets..all is ready for him here, but now what help I was getting from the Wildlife Officer is non existent and I have no idea why.

I really need people to speak up and defend Loki, to plead his case so that he can live out his life in freedom.  I pray that you will speak for him.  Loki spent the first year of his life caged (I have pictures to prove that) and has only enjoyed his freedom since escaping the shelter in 2010 after having been rescued/seized in May 2010.

He deserves to live, he escaped the shelter twice, has survived 3 harsh winters, is loved by so many worldwide and in town and he united total strangers around the globe who came together to raise the funds I needed to prepare for his life here with me.  Short of a miracle Loki will become yet one more victim of total indifference.

Since I alerted everyone to what is happening concerning Loki and the very real impending actions that town officials may take, I have been receiving countless emails and Face Book messages in support of Loki. For that I thank all of you sincerely.

With your permission I wish to copy and past these messages and comments to a single Word doc which I would like to send to the Powers that Be, as testimony to how much Loki is loved and supported.

I would also ask that all of you who support Loki, to contact directly Ross Potter and Andrew Cassidy (Mayor of Hay River) personally by email so that you may plead Loki’s case.

Mayor Andrew Cassidy: mayor@hayriver.com
Ross Potter: rpotter@hrfd.ca and or rpotter@hayriver.com
Sunday Afternoon Oct 15 2011 024
You can also send letters to: City Hall
Town of Hay River,
73 Woodland Dr
Hay River, NT X0E 1G1
Phone: 867-874-6522
Fax: 867-874-3237

While I must acknowledge that complaints about Loki have been received at Town Hall, likely from persons who are ignorant of his gentle ways and lacking in his friendship, those who just don’t like dogs period, and those who are intimidated by his stature and who failed to get to know him…I must also acknowledge the fact that Loki is loved by so many, that those whom he has chosen to share his life with want only the best for him, that he has united so many strangers from around the globe who have rallied around him, and he has also as a dear Ontario friend so accurately stated he has put Hay River on the map.


With no further help coming from the Wildlife Officer and officials wanting this situation resolved by the end of September or sooner, time is running out to plead Loki’s case. I need everyone to contact those persons listed above, a blitz if you will, so that the Powers that Be will see that Loki should be allowed to live out the rest of his life in freedom and not become one of the thousands in the NT who have been slaughtered. I have in the past via letters, suggested that Loki become the Town Mascot, which would make Hay River noted for compassion and become a leader to other northern communities for being a community that values even a feral animals life. Proving that a bullet is not the answer!

Thank you to all of you. You are all amazing, and it is from all of you that I gain renewed strength for this ongoing battle to protect Loki.

LOKI Feb 16  17 and Hemi 007March 7 2012 012Beautiful close up of Loki

Dec 19 2012 009April11 2012 LOKI 004Jan 2013 Loki across ravine 049April 2013 latest 042

Filed under: ALERTS, Commitment, dogs in Canada's north, Fate of Sled Dogs, LOKI, LOKI : fact not fiction Tagged: Action Alert, animal protection in N.W.T., Canada's North, LOKI Sole Survivor, LOKI UPDATES

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