LOKI thought it about time that he got back to his followers to let you all know that he has come through yet another long cold Arctic winter.
Thanks to a supply of Caribou legs given to this writer, LOKI remained healthy and strong. Much of my time with him was spent out in the open, laying in the snow up close and personal, and I remain ever so grateful to LOKI for allowing me to take these wonderful closeups. Not once did he grumble or growl. Remember that I am laying in the snow beside him, within one foot of that caribou leg.
Sometimes he found my stumbling around in the deep snow rather humorous, and I swear he was actually laughing in this next picture at me.
We have now come through our third Arctic winter together in a beautiful land of snow and ice. and while we both anxiously wait for Spring to take a true hold, we continue to enjoy each others company.
Sometimes he comes to my home waiting patiently for me to join him outside, other times we find solace in the woods.
Wherever he chooses, that is where I will go.
Together we look forward to enjoying a snow free backyard once again.
Filed under: LOKI, LOKI : fact not fiction Tagged: Commitment & Devotion, LOKI Sole Survivor, LOKI UPDATES