It has been some time since I last did an update about this amazing, highly (scarily) intelligent boy. Loki’s followers get thier updates on his FB page: I hope you will follow him there.
Summer has finally arrived in the Northwest Territories and of course we are all enjoying this long awaited time. Longer day,s higher temps and hours upon hours of daylight. The birds are singing, the wild roses are in bloom, the Boreal Forest is thick and lush and the skies, the most amazing and the clearest of blue.
Winters here are too long, too cold and too harsh. Temperatures are brutal, the winds off the Great Slave Lake are fierce and chilling. One thing, if it is extremely cold, we do not get that much snow. A small gift of the heavens to compensate for the extreme and lengthy hours of darkness we experience during winter.
LOKI has been in the family now since September 27, 2013 and this amazing fellow, and I must again stress his high intelligence, has settled into his new family and home life. I did not have to housebreak him, leash train him or go through the normal training exercises associated with adding a new family member. He did all of this totally on his own. What we, mom and I, as his new family did do was give to him a great deal of love, patience, respect and trust. From the moment he entered my home he was and still continues to be the perfect gentleman.
This recent video:
shows this happy boy enjoying one of our many evening walks, just look at that tail folks!!
Here you can see us sitting by the river, enjoying the daylight, this pic was taken around 9:30 p.m.
I invite all of you to become his followers, so that you can keep up on his photos, videos and his Blog. Just go to his FB page. Feel free to submit photos of your furballs so I can add to the growing Friends of Loki album.
This is a picture of Bonnie C and China, China is the love of Loki’s life and he “oofs” every time he sees her, China in turn “yodels”.
Always the perfect gentleman in the house.
From the once skittish pup:
to a magnificent adolescent living wild and threatened:
Loki is now safe, happy and healthy in his loving forever home:
Filed under: Legends of the far north, LOKI, LOKI : fact not fiction, Recovery, Rescue, THE IMPOSSIBLE IS POSSIBLE Tagged: Commitment & Devotion, Family Members deserve the Best, Immunization for a Healthy Pet, LOKI Sole Survivor, LOKI UPDATES, Philly's Corner